National Nurses United Survey: 7 Findings

  1. 26.5% of hospital nurses reported being “floated” or reassigned to care for patients in a clinical care area that required new skills or was outside of their competency.
  2. 46% of these reported that they did not receive any education or preparation before being floated to units outside of their expertise.
  3. 64.5% reported that their facilities are using excessive overtime to staff units.
  4. 72.3% reported an increase in the use of travel nurses in the prior month.
  5. 48% reported a small or significant increase in workplace violence.
  6. 83.5% feel stressed more often than before the pandemic.
  7. 62% reported having to reuse single-use PPE
  8. an unsafe practice.
Notes: Survey responses from 2,575 nurses, gathered from both NNU union nurses and nonunion nurses in all 50 states plus Washington, D.C., covering the period Feb. 2, 2022 to March 20, 2022.